Tuesday, October 18, 2011

RealLegal® iBinder™ - Online Repository

Our firm uses RealLegal iBinder repository technology to instantly connect you with the transcripts and Publisher Bundles you’ve purchased. As an authorized user, you can login in to our secure, custom repository to find the materials you need and download them immediately. Our OnLine Repository is a delivery alternative that bypasses any possible delays or difficulties related to sending files via e-mail or on diskette.


  • View streaming video from synchronized transcripts
  • View video footage that is stored locally
  • Activate Caption Mode to view scrolling text within Video Player
  • Locate a project by searching by project name or new case number field
  • Access Binder projects via a Web browser
  • Upload and access the contents of RealLegal Publisher Bundles™
  • Search by the meta data (title, date, bates number, etc.) of transcripts and exhibits
  • Sort by each of the columns for transcripts and exhibits
  • Track the hyperlinks between transcripts and exhibits and jump to their locations
  • Populate Microsoft Outlook calendars with events from the RealLegal iBinder shared Appointment Calendar
  • Add exhibits, transcripts, and other attachments via synchronization with the master RealLegal Binder project
  • View exhibits (image files, documents, PDFs) with the high performance Real Exhibit Viewer
  • Modify on-screen properties of exhibits for optimal viewing
  • Utilize the Hyperlinked Word Index and full text searching on transcripts
  • Apply annotations, color-coded issues, and comments
  • Print transcripts and exhibits directly from the Web browser interface
  • Communicate via the iBinder Message Board, the iBinder Appointment Calendar, and iChat.
  • Utilize their RealLegal iBinder site 24-hours-per-day, seven-days-per-week

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Future of Litigation Support


Clients are evaluating firms more:
"There will be two types of firms in the future. Those firms which look to their clients and try to identify their clients' needs and respond to them, and those firms that do not.

Corporations require law firms to provide services in a more cost effective way. Technology will assist forward thinking law firms in accomplishing that goal of customer satisfaction.

Those firms that adapt technology, including, and especially a collaborative information sharing utility, should be more successful in the marketplace.

Those firms that do not will find themselves with clients who are dissatisfied, who are paying more than they feel they are getting value for, and will find the ability to retain clients, more difficult."

Linking Electronically

Use of electronic links to bring together legal teams has major implications for case co-ordination, and client/lawyer relations.

To date, there has been too much duplicated effort within law firms and even teams working on the same case because there has been no co-ordinating communication. A bulletin board system would help prevent such waste.

Most importantly, it brings clients back into the decision making process.

Innovation v Automation
"The greatest singular asset of these tools is that it allows you not only to automate workflow and practices with your client but truly innovate, and innovate in a way that law firms aren't used to thinking about.

Once you can essentially bring your client in virtual reality into your office, you can begin not only do things differently, but you can stop doing things that are inefficient. Those things include trading numerous telephone messages; those things include obviating the necessity for long analytical report letters."